Ted has been a leader in the solar industry for more than 10 years, and has led several local solar companies to national prominence while developing more than 100 commercial projects and several hundred residential solar projects within his community. Most recently, Ted was President of a leading national commercial solar provider based in Petaluma, leading their growth and eventual acquisition by the nation’s largest utility. Ted combines a high level of integrity, customer perspective and personnel management experience with expertise in local energy markets, project finance, renewable energy technology and the unique culture and diversity of the North Bay community. Ted holds degrees in Economics, Managerial Accounting, and Chemistry from the University of Rochester and the University of South Florida, respectively. A lifelong athlete, he competed in the decathlon in college and played professional basketball in Europe. He coaches youth sports locally, volunteers for local community and sustainability programs, and lives in Western Marin County with his wife and two young children. Walking the walk, Ted drives a hybrid, lives in as solar powered eco-friendly house and his kids’ middle names are Sunshine and Wind.